VAUL3 LABS LTD, a company incorporated in the United Kingdom with its registered office at 71-75 Shelton St, London WC2H 9JQ, United Kingdom ("VAUL3," "we," "our," or "us"), is dedicated to the development and management of blockchain-based solutions. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, and protection of personal information in relation to our operations.

The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform users of our marketing website and participants in the token presale conducted via our Telegram bot about our data collection, usage, and protection practices. This policy is intended to provide transparency about how we handle personal information and to ensure that individuals are informed about their rights concerning their data.

This Privacy Policy applies to the following aspects of our operations:
Marketing Website: Our official website used for marketing purposes, including the collection of data through cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies.
Token Presale via Telegram Bot: The presale of our digital tokens conducted through a Telegram bot, including the collection of data relevant to participation in the token sale.

By accessing our marketing website or participating in our token presale via Telegram, users acknowledge and agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection

Types of Information Collected
VAUL3 LABS LTD collects various types of information in the course of operating our marketing website and token presale via Telegram bot. The information collected can be categorized as follows:
Personal Information: This includes any information that identifies or could reasonably identify an individual, such as name, email address, phone number, and other contact details.
Usage Data: Information regarding how users interact with our marketing website, including IP addresses, browser types, operating systems, referring URLs, and pages visited.
Transaction Data: Data related to transactions conducted during the token presale, including purchase amounts, wallet addresses, and transaction timestamps.

Methods of Collection
Direct Collection
: We collect personal information directly from users when they register on our marketing website, participate in the token presale, or otherwise provide their information voluntarily. This includes information submitted through forms, surveys, or other interactive elements on our website or Telegram bot.
Automated Tracking Technologies: Our marketing website utilizes cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to automatically collect data regarding user interactions. Cookies are small files placed on users' devices to enhance their experience and gather analytics on website usage. Web beacons are electronic images used to track user interactions with content.
Data Collection via Telegram Bot: During the token presale, our Telegram bot collects data related to participation, including user interactions with the bot, inputted information, and transaction details. This data is used to manage the presale process and ensure compliance with applicable regulations.

By using our marketing website or participating in the token presale via Telegram, users consent to the collection of their information as described in this Privacy Policy.

Use of Information

Purposes for Which Information is Used
The information collected by VAUL3 LABS LTD is utilized for several purposes in relation to the operation of our marketing website and the token presale via Telegram bot. Specifically:
To Provide and Improve Services: The information is used to deliver, maintain, and enhance our services. This includes personalizing user experiences, optimizing website functionality, and ensuring the effective operation of the token presale process. We use data to address and resolve user inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and develop new features or services.
To Communicate with Users: We utilize the collected information to communicate with users regarding their interactions with our marketing website and token presale. This includes sending updates, confirmations, and notifications related to transactions, changes to our services, and other relevant information. Communication may be conducted via email, direct messaging, or other channels as applicable.
For Marketing and Promotional Purposes: Information collected from users may be employed to send promotional materials, newsletters, and marketing communications. This includes informing users of new products, services, or features that may be of interest. Users may receive targeted advertising based on their preferences and activities, and may have the option to opt-out of such communications.
For Compliance and Legal Obligations: The information collected is also used to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes fulfilling legal obligations related to anti-money laundering (AML), know your customer (KYC) requirements, and other regulatory requirements pertinent to the operation of our token presale. Additionally, information may be utilized to protect the rights, property, and safety of VAUL3 LABS LTD, our users, and other parties.

By providing information, users consent to its use in accordance with the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Data Sharing and Disclosure

Third-Party Service Providers
VAUL3 LABS LTD may engage third-party service providers to perform functions on our behalf, including but not limited to, hosting services, data analytics, payment processing, and marketing support. These third-party service providers may have access to personal information as necessary to perform their duties. We ensure that such service providers are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of the personal information and to use it solely for the purpose of providing the services on our behalf.
We use Cookie3 Analytics for analytical and marketing purposes. Cookie3 Analytics is a tool used to collect information about user behaviour on the website. It is used to create a user profile. To learn more about the processing of data by Cookie3 Analytics, please read the Cookie3 Analytics Privacy Policy.
Legal Requirements and Compliance
We may disclose personal information when required to do so by law or in response to valid requests by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. Additionally, personal information may be disclosed to comply with legal obligations, enforce our Terms and Conditions or other agreements, protect the rights, property, or safety of VAUL3 LABS LTD, its users, or others, or to respond to legal processes such as subpoenas or court orders.
Business Transfers
In the event of a merger, acquisition, reorganization, or sale of all or a portion of our business, VAUL3 LABS LTD may transfer or disclose personal information to a third party as part of such transaction. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that the third party agrees to handle the personal information in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy.
Aggregated and Anonymized Data
We may use and share aggregated or anonymized data that does not identify individual users for various purposes, including for analytical and statistical purposes, business planning, and to improve our services. Such data may be disclosed to third parties, including business partners and service providers, without restriction, as it does not contain personally identifiable information.

By using our marketing website and participating in the token presale, you acknowledge and consent to the sharing and disclosure of your personal information as described in this section.

Data Security

Measures to Protect Information
VAUL3 LABS LTD is committed to safeguarding the personal information of its users through the implementation of comprehensive security measures. We employ a multi-faceted approach to data security to ensure that personal information is protected against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction.
Physical Security
We maintain stringent physical security measures at our data centers and office locations to prevent unauthorized physical access to our systems and facilities. This includes restricted access to sensitive areas, surveillance systems, and secure storage for physical media containing personal information.
TEchnical Security
We utilize advanced technical security measures to protect personal information, including encryption protocols, firewalls, and secure servers. Our technical security framework is designed to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data during transmission and storage. Regular security assessments and updates are performed to address potential vulnerabilities and enhance system resilience.
Administrative Security
Our administrative security measures include policies and procedures to ensure that only authorized personnel have access to personal information. This includes access controls, employee training on data protection, and regular audits of our data handling practices. We implement strict internal protocols to manage and review access permissions and ensure compliance with data protection policies.
User Responsibilities
Users of our marketing website and participants in the token presale are also responsible for maintaining the security of their personal accounts and data. Users are encouraged to employ secure passwords, safeguard their login credentials, and promptly notify us of any unauthorized access or suspicious activity related to their accounts. VAUL3 LABS LTD is not liable for any unauthorized access or loss of personal information resulting from user negligence or failure to adhere to security best practices.By engaging with our marketing website and participating in the token presale, you agree to comply with these security measures and understand your role in maintaining the security of your personal information.

User Rights and Choices

Access to and Correction of Personal Information
Users have the right to access their personal information held by VAUL3 LABS LTD and request corrections or updates to such information. To exercise this right, users may contact us via the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy. We will make reasonable efforts to respond to such requests within the timeframes required by applicable data protection laws. Please note that we may require verification of your identity before processing any requests to access or amend personal information.
Opt-Out and Unsubscribe Options
Users may opt out of receiving marketing communications from us by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in each communication or by contacting us directly. Opting out of marketing communications does not affect our ability to send transactional or service-related communications necessary for the provision of our services. We respect user preferences and will promptly honor requests to cease further marketing communications.
Data Deletion Requests
Users may request the deletion of their personal information from our records. Upon receiving a valid data deletion request, we will take reasonable steps to delete or anonymize the requested data, subject to legal and contractual obligations that may require us to retain certain information. Please be aware that the deletion of personal information may impact your ability to access and use certain services or features. We will respond to data deletion requests in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Types of Cookies Used
VAUL3 LABS LTD employs cookies and other tracking technologies to enhance user experience and analyze usage patterns on our marketing website. The types of cookies used include, but are not limited to, session cookies, persistent cookies, and third-party cookies. Session cookies are temporary and expire once the user closes their browser, while persistent cookies remain on the user's device for a specified period or until manually deleted. Third-party cookies are set by entities other than VAUL3 LABS LTD and may be used for purposes such as analytics and targeted advertising.
Purpose of Cookies
Cookies and tracking technologies serve several purposes, including:
Enhancing User Experience:
Cookies help us remember user preferences and settings, enabling a more personalized and efficient browsing experience.
Performance Analytics:
We use cookies to collect data on website usage, which helps us analyze and improve the performance and functionality of our website.
Marketing and Advertising:
Cookies may be used to deliver targeted advertisements and measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.
Users have the option to manage and control cookies through their web browser settings. Most browsers allow users to block or delete cookies; however, disabling cookies may impact the functionality and performance of our marketing website. Users can typically adjust their cookie preferences by accessing the privacy or security settings of their browser. For detailed instructions on how to manage cookies, please refer to the help section of your browser.
Managing Cookies
Users have the option to manage and control cookies through their web browser settings. Most browsers allow users to block or delete cookies; however, disabling cookies may impact the functionality and performance of our marketing website. Users can typically adjust their cookie preferences by accessing the privacy or security settings of their browser. For detailed instructions on how to manage cookies, please refer to the help section of your browser

International Data Transfers

Transfers to Third Countries
In the course of operating our marketing website and conducting the token presale, VAUL3 LABS LTD may transfer personal data to third countries outside the United Kingdom and the European Economic Area (EEA). Such transfers are necessary for the execution of services provided, including but not limited to, analytics, marketing, and communication functions. These third countries may not have data protection laws equivalent to those in the UK or the EEA.
Safeguards for International Data Transfers
VAUL3 LABS LTD is committed to ensuring that any international data transfers comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations. To safeguard personal data during these transfers, we implement appropriate technical and organizational measures, including:
Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs):
We utilize Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission to ensure that transferred data is protected in accordance with EU data protection standards.
Data Protection Agreements:
We enter into data protection agreements with third parties that receive personal data, which mandate compliance with stringent data protection and confidentiality requirements.
Privacy Shield Frameworks:
Where applicable, we adhere to frameworks such as the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield to facilitate secure data transfers between the UK/EEA and the United States.
Additional Safeguards:
We assess and implement additional safeguards based on the nature of the data transfer, the data protection laws of the recipient country, and the specific contractual obligations in place.

Privacy Policy Updates

Changes to the Privacy Policy
VAUL3 LABS LTD reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect changes in our practices, technologies, or legal requirements. Any alterations to this Privacy Policy will be effective upon posting the revised document on our marketing website and updating our Telegram bot as applicable. It is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically to remain informed of any changes.
Notification of Changes
In the event of significant changes to this Privacy Policy, VAUL3 LABS LTD will notify users through appropriate channels, which may include direct notifications via email, prominent notices on our marketing website, or updates within the Telegram bot. Such notifications will provide users with information regarding the nature of the changes and their implications.
Effective Date
The effective date of the most recent version of this Privacy Policy will be indicated at the top of the document. Changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective from the date of publication, as specified in the effective date section. Your continued use of our marketing website and participation in the token presale following any modifications constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.

Contact Information

Contact Details for Privacy-Related Inquiries
For any inquiries regarding this Privacy Policy or to address privacy concerns, please contact VAUL3 LABS LTD at the following address:


71-75 Shelton St,
London WC2H 9JQ,
United Kingdom