
The decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape has transformed how individuals and institutions interact with financial services. However, despite its rapid growth, DeFi remains complex and inaccessible to many. VAUL3 aims to address these challenges by creating a user-friendly platform that simplifies the creation, management, and investment in automated yield strategies. Through a combination of no-code tools, AI-powered management, and blockchain security, VAUL3 democratizes access to sophisticated financial opportunities, making them available to a broader audience.

VAUL3’s ecosystem is built on the $VAUL3 token, which plays a critical role in powering the platform. The token facilitates governance, staking, and transactions, creating a vibrant, self-sustaining community. By integrating the token into every aspect of the platform, VAUL3 ensures that all participants are aligned with the ecosystem's growth and success. The careful design of the tokenomics, including a structured vesting schedule and diverse allocation, supports long-term sustainability and value appreciation.

In addressing the core problems of complexity, security, and accessibility in DeFi, VAUL3 introduces several key innovations. The platform offers no-code tools for strategy creation, enabling users to build and manage yield strategies without needing technical expertise. Additionally, AI-powered management optimizes strategy performance, while blockchain technology ensures transparency and security. These innovations position VAUL3 as a leader in the next generation of DeFi platforms, bridging the gap between traditional finance and the digital economy.

The VAUL3 roadmap outlines a clear path for the platform’s development and growth. With key milestones such as the release of the platform’s prototype, token presales, and the launch of staking and governance features, VAUL3 is poised to make a significant impact in the DeFi space. Each phase of the roadmap is designed to build on the previous one, ensuring steady progress and continuous enhancement of the platform. The combination of a strong development strategy and a committed team positions VAUL3 for long-term success.

In conclusion, VAUL3 represents a new era in decentralized finance, where complex financial strategies are accessible to everyone. The platform’s innovative approach, combined with its robust ecosystem and strategic roadmap, ensures that VAUL3 is well-positioned to lead the evolution of DeFi. By providing a secure, transparent, and user-friendly environment, VAUL3 empowers individuals and institutions to participate in the financial revolution with confidence and ease.

Join us in shaping the future of decentralized finance.

The decentralized finance (DeFi) industry has emerged as one of the most transformative innovations in the financial sector, enabling peer-to-peer transactions and eliminating the need for traditional intermediaries. However, the complexity and technical barriers associated with DeFi have limited its accessibility to a wider audience. Most DeFi platforms require users to have a deep understanding of blockchain technology, coding, and financial management, which creates significant entry barriers for the average investor. This complexity has hindered broader adoption, leaving many potential users unable to participate in the financial opportunities DeFi offers.

VAUL3 was conceived to address these challenges by providing a user-friendly platform that democratizes access to DeFi. The core idea behind VAUL3 is to make sophisticated financial strategies accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. By offering no-code tools for creating and managing yield strategies, VAUL3 empowers users to engage with DeFi in a way that is intuitive and straightforward. This approach not only simplifies the process but also opens up new avenues for users who were previously excluded from the DeFi ecosystem.

The VAUL3 platform is designed with a strong focus on security and transparency, which are critical concerns for users in the DeFi space. By leveraging blockchain technology, VAUL3 ensures that all transactions are secure, verifiable, and tamper-proof. The platform’s AI-powered management tools further enhance the user experience by optimizing yield strategies and providing real-time insights into performance. This combination of security, transparency, and intelligent management makes VAUL3 a reliable and effective platform for both novice and experienced users.

One of the key differentiators of VAUL3 is its ecosystem, which is built around the $VAUL3 token. This native utility token is integral to the platform’s operation, serving multiple purposes such as governance, staking, and transaction payments. The tokenomics of $VAUL3 have been carefully designed to ensure long-term sustainability and value creation. By aligning the interests of all stakeholders, VAUL3 fosters a vibrant community where users, strategy creators, and partners can thrive together.

As the DeFi market continues to evolve, VAUL3 is positioned to play a leading role in shaping its future. The platform’s innovative approach, combined with a clear vision and strong execution strategy, sets the stage for significant growth and impact.

VAUL3 is not just a platform; it is a movement towards a more inclusive and accessible financial system. 

Through continuous innovation and community engagement, VAUL3 aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the digital economy, empowering users to take control of their financial future.

The Problem

The decentralized finance (DeFi) space, while innovative, is plagued with significant challenges that hinder its mainstream adoption. One of the primary issues is the steep learning curve associated with using DeFi platforms. Many of these platforms require users to have advanced knowledge of blockchain technology, coding, and financial principles. This complexity creates barriers for individuals who lack technical expertise, effectively excluding them from participating in the opportunities that DeFi offers. The intricate processes involved in creating, managing, and investing in DeFi strategies make it inaccessible to the average user.

Another critical problem in the DeFi space is the security risk associated with decentralized platforms. While blockchain technology is inherently secure, the decentralized nature of DeFi platforms exposes them to various vulnerabilities, including smart contract bugs, hacking attempts, and phishing attacks. These risks can lead to significant financial losses for users, undermining their trust in DeFi platforms. The lack of standardized security measures across different platforms exacerbates this problem, making it difficult for users to confidently navigate the DeFi ecosystem.

Transparency is another major issue that affects user confidence in DeFi. Many platforms operate with opaque processes, making it challenging for users to verify transactions, understand how their funds are being managed, or assess the risks involved. This lack of transparency can lead to distrust, discouraging potential users from engaging with DeFi platforms. Moreover, the absence of clear, user-friendly interfaces further complicates the user experience, making it difficult for individuals to monitor and manage their investments effectively.

Access to capital is a significant challenge for yield strategy creators within the DeFi space. Despite having innovative strategies, many creators struggle to secure the necessary funding to scale their operations. Traditional fundraising methods are often not applicable or accessible in the DeFi context, and the decentralized nature of these platforms makes it difficult for creators to reach a broad audience of potential investors. This lack of capital not only stifles innovation but also limits the diversity of available yield strategies, reducing the options for investors.

Lastly, the fragmented nature of the DeFi ecosystem presents a significant challenge for users. With numerous platforms offering different services, users often have to navigate multiple platforms to achieve their financial goals. This fragmentation leads to inefficiencies, as users must manage different accounts, interfaces, and wallets, increasing the complexity of participating in DeFi. The lack of interoperability between platforms further exacerbates this issue, making it difficult for users to move assets seamlessly across different ecosystems.

High entry barriers due to the technical knowledge required for creating, managing, and investing in DeFi strategies.

Security Risks
Vulnerabilities such as smart contract bugs and hacking attempts that can lead to significant financial losses.

Lack of Transparency
Opaque processes and complicated interfaces that undermine user confidence and make it difficult to manage investments.

Access to Capital
Difficulty for yield strategy creators to secure funding, limiting innovation and diversity in available strategies.

The need to navigate multiple platforms and interfaces, leading to inefficiencies and a poor user experience.

The Innovation

VAUL3 is designed to address the complexities and inefficiencies in the DeFi space by introducing a user-friendly platform that empowers both investors and yield strategy creators. The platform’s core innovation lies in its ability to simplify the creation, management, and investment processes in DeFi. By offering no-code tools, VAUL3 enables users to easily create and deploy yield strategies without requiring technical expertise. This accessibility opens up DeFi to a broader audience, allowing more people to participate in and benefit from decentralized finance.

Another significant innovation of VAUL3 is its integration of AI-powered management tools. These tools optimize yield strategies by analyzing market trends, user behavior, and other key data points. By leveraging AI, VAUL3 helps users maximize their returns while minimizing risks. The platform’s intelligent management features provide real-time insights and automatic adjustments, ensuring that users’ investments are always aligned with the best possible outcomes. This approach not only enhances the performance of yield strategies but also reduces the time and effort required to manage them.

The VAUL3 ecosystem is designed to foster collaboration and innovation by bringing together various stakeholders, including investors, strategy creators, and partners. The $VAUL3 token serves as the backbone of this ecosystem, facilitating governance, staking, and transactions. By aligning the interests of all participants, VAUL3 creates a vibrant and self-sustaining community. The platform’s innovative approach to tokenomics, including a structured vesting schedule and diverse allocation, ensures long-term sustainability and value appreciation.

One of the most important innovations of VAUL3 is its focus on interoperability and user experience. The platform is designed to be compatible with multiple blockchains, allowing users to move assets seamlessly across different ecosystems. This cross-chain interoperability reduces fragmentation and enhances the overall efficiency of the DeFi experience. Additionally, VAUL3’s intuitive user interface simplifies the complexities of DeFi, making it easy for users to navigate and manage their investments. By prioritizing user experience and interoperability, VAUL3 sets a new standard for accessibility in decentralized finance.

For Investors
- Automated DeFi strategies
- AI-powered portfolio management
- Real-time performance tracking
- Staking & Rewards
- Cross-chain interoperability
- Direct communication with strategy creators

For DeFi Strategy Creators
- No-code strategy creation tools
- AI-powered strategy management
- Fundraising management with customizable parameters
- Enhanced exposure through platform marketing tools
- Advanced analytics for strategy refinement

For Community Members
- Decentralized governance with $VAUL3 token
- Community rewards, staking, and incentives
- Access to educational resources and support
- Participation in platform development and decision-making

VAUL3 simplifies DeFi with no-code tools, AI optimization, and cross-chain interoperability for all.
VAUL3 Ecosystem

The VAUL3 ecosystem is a comprehensive, interconnected platform designed to simplify and enhance the DeFi experience for all users. At its core, VAUL3 provides the tools and infrastructure necessary to create, manage, and invest in yield strategies with ease and security. The ecosystem is built on the $VAUL3 token, which serves as the backbone of the platform, driving governance, transactions, and rewards. By integrating AI-powered management tools, no-code strategy creation, and cross-chain interoperability, VAUL3 creates a user-centric environment where anyone can participate in decentralized finance, regardless of their technical expertise. This ecosystem is designed to be self-sustaining, with a focus on long-term growth and value creation for all participants.

The VAUL3 ecosystem is not just a platform but a community of interconnected stakeholders, including investors, yield strategy creators, and community members. Each stakeholder plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, contributing to its growth and sustainability. The ecosystem’s design ensures that these stakeholders are aligned in their goals, with the $VAUL3 token facilitating interactions and transactions across the ecosystem. This alignment of interests creates a vibrant and engaged community, where participants are incentivized to contribute to the ecosystem’s success. The ecosystem is further enhanced by strategic partnerships and integrations with other DeFi platforms and services, expanding its reach and capabilities.

Another important aspect of the VAUL3 ecosystem is its scalability. The ecosystem is designed to grow and evolve with the needs of its users, with a flexible architecture that can accommodate new features and integrations as they are developed. This scalability is crucial in the rapidly changing world of DeFi, where new opportunities and challenges are constantly emerging. VAUL3’s ability to adapt and expand ensures that it remains at the forefront of the DeFi industry, offering users the most advanced and effective tools available.

The VAUL3 ecosystem is a robust, secure, and scalable platform that brings together a diverse community of stakeholders. By providing the tools and infrastructure needed to succeed in DeFi, VAUL3 empowers users to take control of their financial futures. The platform’s focus on security, transparency, and scalability ensures that it can grow and adapt to meet the needs of its users, making it a leader in the DeFi space.


The VAUL3 ecosystem is built around three primary stakeholders: investors, yield strategy creators, and community members. Each of these groups plays a vital role in the platform, contributing to its growth, security, and success.

- Investors are the lifeblood of the VAUL3 ecosystem, providing the capital needed to fuel yield strategies and drive the platform’s growth. These investors range from individual retail investors to large institutional players, all of whom are looking for secure, profitable opportunities in the DeFi space. The platform provides them with the tools and transparency they need to make informed decisions and maximize their returns.

- Yield strategy creators are another key stakeholder in the VAUL3 ecosystem. These individuals or entities develop and manage yield strategies, offering them to investors through the platform. VAUL3 provides these creators with a suite of tools to design, optimize, and deploy their strategies without needing to write code. This no-code approach lowers the barriers to entry for strategy creators, allowing more people to participate in the DeFi space. The platform also offers advanced analytics and AI-powered tools to help creators refine their strategies and maximize their performance, ensuring that both creators and investors benefit from their success.

- Community members form the third pillar of the VAUL3 ecosystem. These participants are actively involved in the platform’s governance, using their $VAUL3 tokens to vote on important decisions that shape the future of the platform. Community members also contribute to the platform’s growth by participating in discussions, providing feedback, and helping to spread the word about VAUL3. In return, they are rewarded with $VAUL3 tokens, creating a positive feedback loop that encourages ongoing participation and engagement. The community’s role in governance ensures that the platform remains decentralized and that its development aligns with the interests of its users.

The interactions between these stakeholders are facilitated by the $VAUL3 token, which acts as the medium of exchange within the ecosystem. Investors use $VAUL3 tokens to invest in yield strategies, creators are rewarded in $VAUL3 for their performance, and community members earn $VAUL3 tokens for their contributions to the platform’s growth. This interconnectedness ensures that all stakeholders have a vested interest in the success of the ecosystem, creating a strong and resilient community. The platform’s design also encourages collaboration between stakeholders, with features that allow investors and creators to communicate and share insights, further enhancing the overall user experience.

The VAUL3 ecosystem is built around a diverse group of stakeholders, each of whom plays a critical role in the platform’s success. By aligning the interests of these stakeholders and providing them with the tools they need to succeed, VAUL3 creates a vibrant and dynamic community that is capable of driving the platform’s long-term growth. The $VAUL3 token serves as the glue that holds this ecosystem together, facilitating interactions and ensuring that all participants are rewarded for their contributions.


In the VAUL3 ecosystem, the $VAUL3 token serves as the primary medium of exchange, facilitating various transactions between the platform's stakeholders. Each group—investors, yield strategy creators, partners, and community members—engages in specific activities that require the use of $VAUL3 tokens. These transactions not only drive the platform's economy but also ensure that all participants are aligned with VAUL3's long-term growth and success.

Investors play a crucial role in the VAUL3 ecosystem by allocating capital to yield strategies created on the platform. When investors decide to participate in a particular yield strategy, they use $VAUL3 tokens to invest. These tokens are transferred through secure smart contracts, which govern the terms of the investment, including profit distribution and withdrawal conditions. The use of $VAUL3 tokens for investments ensures that all transactions are transparent, secure, and verifiable on the blockchain. Moreover, investors can earn additional $VAUL3 tokens through staking, where they lock up their tokens to support network operations and receive rewards in return. This process not only incentivizes holding $VAUL3 but also contributes to the overall stability and security of the platform.

DeFi yield strategy creators are the innovators within the VAUL3 ecosystem, designing and managing financial strategies that attract investments from the community. To list their strategies on the platform, creators are required to pay listing fees in $VAUL3 tokens. This payment model ensures that creators are committed to the success of their strategies and that they contribute to the platform’s revenue. Additionally, creators can earn $VAUL3 tokens as performance fees, which are calculated based on the success of their strategies. These tokens are distributed proportionally to the profits generated, aligning the creators' incentives with the interests of their investors. This system of performance-based rewards encourages the development of high-quality strategies and fosters a competitive environment that benefits the entire VAUL3 community.

Community members are at the heart of VAUL3’s decentralized governance model. They use $VAUL3 tokens to vote on critical decisions that shape the platform’s future, such as protocol upgrades, new feature rollouts, and changes to the platform’s governance structure. These voting activities ensure that the community has a direct influence on the platform’s direction, and the use of $VAUL3 tokens for voting aligns the interests of the community with the platform’s success. Additionally, community members can earn $VAUL3 tokens through rewards programs, which incentivize participation in discussions, content creation, and other activities that contribute to the ecosystem’s growth.

Partners and strategic collaborators within the VAUL3 ecosystem also engage in transactions using $VAUL3 tokens. These partners, which may include financial institutions, technology providers, and other DeFi platforms, pay integration and collaboration fees in $VAUL3. This ensures that all stakeholders are vested in the platform's success and that resources are used efficiently to expand the ecosystem. Additionally, partners who provide services or technologies that enhance the VAUL3 platform can receive payments in $VAUL3 tokens, further embedding the token within the ecosystem’s value chain. This integration of $VAUL3 in partnerships strengthens the platform’s network effects, making it more attractive for additional collaborators.

The $VAUL3 token is the lifeblood of the VAUL3 ecosystem, facilitating a wide range of transactions between investors, yield strategy creators, partners, and community members. By embedding $VAUL3 tokens into the workflows of these stakeholders, the platform ensures that all participants are aligned with its long-term vision and that the ecosystem remains vibrant, dynamic, and sustainable.

$VAUL3 Token

The $VAUL3 token is the native utility token that powers the entire VAUL3 ecosystem. It is designed to facilitate transactions, incentivize participation, and enable decentralized governance within the platform. As a multi-functional token, $VAUL3 serves as the medium of exchange for various activities, including paying transaction fees, staking, and accessing premium features. The token is also central to the platform’s governance model, allowing holders to vote on key decisions that shape the future of VAUL3. By integrating $VAUL3 into every aspect of the platform, VAUL3 ensures that the token’s value is closely tied to the growth and success of the ecosystem.

The total supply of $VAUL3 tokens is capped at 999,999,999, ensuring scarcity and potential value appreciation as the platform grows. The token’s utility extends beyond mere transactions, as it is also used to reward community engagement, support yield strategy creators, and provide liquidity for exchanges. The careful design of the $VAUL3 tokenomics, including strategic allocation, distribution, and vesting schedules, ensures long-term sustainability and alignment of incentives among all stakeholders. This approach not only fosters a vibrant and engaged community but also positions $VAUL3 as a critical asset within the DeFi landscape.

To encourage broad participation and ensure fair distribution, $VAUL3 tokens are allocated to various stakeholders, including institutional and retail investors, strategic partners, community members, and the founding team. The allocation strategy is designed to support the platform’s growth while rewarding those who contribute to its success. Additionally, the token’s distribution and vesting schedules are structured to prevent market manipulation and ensure that tokens are released gradually, supporting a stable and healthy market for $VAUL3.

The $VAUL3 token is also designed to be interoperable across multiple blockchain networks, enabling seamless integration with other DeFi platforms and services. This cross-chain compatibility enhances the utility and liquidity of $VAUL3, making it an attractive asset for both investors and strategic partners. Furthermore, the token’s governance model empowers holders to have a direct say in the platform’s development, ensuring that VAUL3 evolves in line with the needs and preferences of its community.

Token Allocation

The total supply of $VAUL3 tokens is capped at 999,999,999, and their distribution is carefully planned to support the platform’s growth and reward its various stakeholders. The allocation strategy ensures that all participants in the ecosystem have a vested interest in the success of VAUL3, aligning their incentives with the platform’s long-term goals. Below is a breakdown of the token allocation:

Community & Rewards (4% - 40,000,000 $VAUL3)
This allocation is dedicated to incentivizing and rewarding community engagement and participation. It ensures that active members of the VAUL3 community are recognized and compensated for their contributions to the platform’s growth.

Institutional Investors (13% - 129,999,999 $VAUL3)
A significant portion of the tokens is reserved for early investment from institutional entities. These investors provide the capital needed to drive the platform’s initial growth and are given a stake in VAUL3’s success.

Retail Investors (16% - 159,999,999 $VAUL3)
Tokens are set aside for retail investors who participate in the presale and initial token offerings. This allocation allows individual investors to benefit from the early stages of the platform’s development.

Strategic Partners (7% - 69,999,999 $VAUL3)
Strategic partners who contribute to the platform’s growth and development are allocated tokens to ensure that they are incentivized to support VAUL3’s long-term success.

Basic Users (5% - 49,999,999 $VAUL3)
This allocation is distributed among users who engage with the platform’s basic features, encouraging broader participation in the VAUL3 ecosystem.

Creator Users (14% - 139,999,999 $VAUL3)
Reserved for creators who actively use the platform to generate yield strategies, this allocation ensures that creators are rewarded for their contributions to the platform.

Exchanges & Liquidity Pools (12% - 119,999,999 $VAUL3)
Tokens are allocated for listing on exchanges and providing liquidity to facilitate smooth trading and transactions, ensuring that $VAUL3 remains a liquid and accessible asset.

Operations & Maintenance (16% - 159,999,999 $VAUL3)
A portion of the tokens is reserved for ongoing platform development, maintenance, and operational costs, ensuring that VAUL3 remains at the cutting edge of DeFi technology.

Advisors (3% - 29,999,999 $VAUL3)
Advisors who provide strategic guidance and support to the platform are allocated tokens to align their interests with the long-term vision of VAUL3.

Founders & Team (10% - 99,999,999 $VAUL3)
The founding team and early contributors are allocated tokens to ensure that they remain committed to the platform’s success and continue to drive its development.

This allocation strategy is designed to foster a balanced and sustainable ecosystem, where all participants are incentivized to contribute to the platform’s growth and success.

Token Distribution & Vesting

The distribution of $VAUL3 tokens is designed to ensure fairness and prevent market manipulation. To achieve this, the tokens are distributed gradually over time, following a carefully crafted vesting schedule. This approach helps maintain a stable and healthy market for $VAUL3, while also ensuring that early contributors and investors are rewarded for their long-term commitment to the platform.

Community & Rewards: Tokens allocated for community rewards are fully vested upon listing, with no lock-up period. This ensures that community members can immediately benefit from their contributions to the platform.

Institutional Investors: Institutional investors receive 20% of their tokens upon listing, with the remaining 80% distributed daily over a 5-month period. This gradual release helps prevent large sell-offs and maintains market stability.

Retail Investors: Retail investors receive 5% of their tokens upon listing, with the remaining 95% distributed daily over a 24-month period. This extended vesting schedule encourages long-term holding and participation in the platform.

Strategic Partners: Tokens allocated to strategic partners are vested daily over a 6-month period, ensuring that partners remain engaged with the platform during its critical early stages.

Investor Users: Tokens for basic users are fully vested upon listing, with no lock-up period, allowing them to immediately engage with the platform.

Creator Users: Creator users also receive their tokens fully vested upon listing, with no lock-up period, enabling them to use their tokens to enhance their strategies on the platform.

Exchanges & Liquidity Pools: Tokens allocated for exchanges and liquidity pools are not subject to vesting, ensuring that liquidity is available immediately upon listing.

Operations & Maintenance: 20% of the tokens allocated for operations and maintenance are vested upon listing, with the remaining 80% distributed daily over a 24-month period. This approach ensures that the platform has the resources needed for ongoing development and maintenance.

Advisors: Advisors receive 5% of their tokens upon listing, with the remaining 95% distributed daily over a 30-month period. This extended vesting schedule aligns advisors’ interests with the long-term success of the platform.

Founders & Team: The founding team and early contributors receive 5% of their tokens upon listing, with the remaining 95% distributed daily over a 30-month period. This ensures that the team remains committed to the platform’s long-term vision.

This vesting schedule is designed to align the interests of all stakeholders with the long-term success of VAUL3, ensuring that the platform remains stable and sustainable as it grows.

Token Presale Rounds

The $VAUL3 token presale is structured in three distinct rounds, each offering tokens at progressively higher prices. This tiered approach rewards early investors with significant discounts, while also ensuring that the platform can raise the necessary capital to fund its development and growth. Below is an overview of the presale rounds:

Presale 1 (August 2024): The first presale round offers $VAUL3 tokens at a price of $0.0064, representing a 60% discount off the planned listing price. A total of 32 million tokens are available in this round, making it an attractive opportunity for early investors who want to secure a stake in the platform at the lowest possible price.

Presale 2 (September-December 2024): The second presale round offers tokens at a price of $0.0096, representing a 40% discount off the listing price. A total of 64 million tokens are available in this round. This phase targets investors who are looking to enter the market at a slightly later stage but still wish to benefit from a substantial discount.

Presale 3 (December 2024-February 2025): The third and final presale round offers tokens at a price of $0.012, representing a 20% discount off the listing price. A total of 64 million tokens are available in this round, catering to investors who want to participate in the platform’s growth just before it goes public.

Public Listing (February 2025): After the presale rounds are completed, $VAUL3 will be publicly listed at a price of $0.016 per token. This listing price reflects the growth and development of the platform, with early investors reaping the benefits of their initial support. The public listing also opens up the opportunity for a wider audience to participate in the VAUL3 ecosystem, ensuring greater liquidity and broader market adoption.

These presale rounds are strategically timed to ensure that the platform raises sufficient funds at each stage while offering attractive entry points for different types of investors. By gradually increasing the token price, VAUL3 rewards early adopters while setting a solid foundation for the token's market value.

Token Utilities

The $VAUL3 token is designed to serve multiple functions within the VAUL3 ecosystem, making it a versatile and valuable asset for all stakeholders. Below are the key utilities of the $VAUL3 token:

Governance: $VAUL3 token holders have the power to participate in the governance of the platform. This includes voting on key decisions such as protocol upgrades, changes to the tokenomics, and the introduction of new features. This decentralized governance model ensures that the platform evolves in line with the interests and needs of its community.

Staking: Token holders can stake their $VAUL3 tokens to earn rewards. Staking not only provides a passive income stream for holders but also contributes to the security and stability of the platform. Stakers are incentivized to lock up their tokens, which helps reduce market volatility and encourages long-term holding.

Transaction Fees: All transaction fees within the VAUL3 platform are paid using $VAUL3 tokens. This creates a constant demand for the token, as users need $VAUL3 to engage in activities such as investing in yield strategies, transferring assets, and interacting with smart contracts.

Listing Fees: Yield strategy creators and partners are required to pay listing fees in $VAUL3 tokens to have their strategies or services featured on the platform. This utility ensures that $VAUL3 tokens circulate within the ecosystem, providing liquidity and driving demand.

Advertising Fees: The platform also offers advertising opportunities for DeFi projects and related services. Advertising fees are paid in $VAUL3 tokens, further enhancing the token's utility and demand.

These utilities ensure that the $VAUL3 token remains a central and indispensable part of the VAUL3 ecosystem, driving engagement, participation, and growth.

Use of Funds from the Token Presale

The funds raised from the $VAUL3 token presale are allocated strategically to ensure the platform's development, growth, and long-term sustainability. Below is a detailed breakdown of how the funds will be used:

Platform Development (40%): A significant portion of the funds is dedicated to ongoing platform development. This includes building new features, enhancing existing functionalities, and ensuring that the platform remains at the forefront of DeFi innovation. Continuous development is essential for maintaining a competitive edge and providing users with a cutting-edge experience.

Marketing and Promotion (20%): To drive user acquisition and build a strong community, a portion of the funds is allocated to marketing and promotional activities. This includes digital marketing campaigns, partnerships, community events, and other initiatives designed to raise awareness and attract users to the platform.

Operational Costs (15%): These funds cover the day-to-day operational expenses of the platform, including salaries, office space, and other administrative costs. Ensuring smooth operations is crucial for the platform’s success and sustainability.

Strategic Partnerships (10%): To foster collaboration and integrate with other platforms and services, funds are allocated to strategic partnerships. These partnerships help expand the platform’s capabilities and provide additional value to users, enhancing the overall ecosystem.

Legal and Compliance (10%): In the rapidly evolving regulatory landscape, it is essential to ensure that the platform adheres to all relevant legal and compliance requirements. This allocation covers legal fees, compliance audits, and other expenses related to maintaining regulatory integrity.

Reserve Fund (5%): A portion of the funds is set aside as a reserve for unexpected expenses or future opportunities that may arise. This reserve ensures that the platform has the financial flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances and seize new opportunities as they emerge.

This strategic allocation of funds ensures that VAUL3 has the resources needed to grow, innovate, and maintain its position as a leading DeFi platform.

Public Listing Plan

VAUL3's public listing strategy is designed to maximize value for all stakeholders while ensuring broad market access and liquidity. The public listing will occur on both centralized and decentralized exchanges, following a carefully planned timeline that minimizes costs and maximizes profits.

Centralized Exchange (CEX) Listings: The initial public listing of $VAUL3 will take place on selected centralized exchanges that offer high liquidity, security, and visibility. Listing on major CEXs provides access to a broad audience of traders and investors, driving demand for the token. The choice of exchanges will be based on their reputation, user base, and trading volume, ensuring that $VAUL3 is available on platforms that can provide the best possible market conditions.

Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Listings: In addition to CEX listings, $VAUL3 will also be listed on leading decentralized exchanges. DEX listings provide additional liquidity and enable users to trade $VAUL3 in a decentralized manner, without relying on intermediaries. This aligns with the ethos of DeFi and ensures that $VAUL3 remains accessible to all users, regardless of their preferred trading platform.

Strategic Listing Timeline: The listing timeline is carefully planned to balance supply and demand, ensuring that the token’s price is supported by strong market fundamentals. The initial listings will focus on building liquidity and establishing a solid market presence, followed by additional listings on other exchanges as the platform grows.

Lower Costs, Higher Profits: By strategically timing the listings and selecting the right exchanges, VAUL3 aims to minimize listing fees and other associated costs. This approach ensures that more funds are available for platform development and other growth initiatives, maximizing value for all stakeholders.

Community Involvement: The VAUL3 community will play a role in the listing process through governance votes on key decisions, such as which exchanges to prioritize. This ensures that the listing strategy aligns with the preferences of the token holders, further strengthening the platform’s decentralized governance model.

The public listing plan for $VAUL3 is designed to ensure broad market access, strong liquidity, and maximum value for all stakeholders. By listing on both centralized and decentralized exchanges in a strategic timeline, VAUL3 is well-positioned to become a highly liquid and widely traded asset in the DeFi space.

VAUL3 Roadmap
Q3 2024: Foundation & Initial Launch

Platform Prototype v0 Release
Launch the initial platform prototype, focusing on core functionalities.Collect feedback from the community to refine the user interface (UI) and experience (UX).

$VAUL3 Token Presale 1
August 2024 to September 2024
Price: $0.0064 per $VAUL3
Allocation: 32 million $VAUL3 tokens
Launch marketing campaigns to generate awareness and build a whitelist.

Strategic Partnerships
Establish initial partnerships with DeFi projects, financial institutions, and blockchain platforms.

Q4 2024: Development & Community Building

Platform Prototype v1 Development
Refine and enhance the prototype based on user feedback.

$VAUL3 Token Presale 2
September 2024 to December 2024
Price: $0.0096 per $VAUL3
Allocation: 64 million $VAUL3 tokens
Target a broader audience of retail investors.

Community Expansion
Scale community engagement across multiple social media channels.

Q1 2025: Platform Rollout & Token Growth

MVP Launch (Version 0.5)
Release a fully functional yield strategy marketplace.

$VAUL3 Token Presale 3
December 2024 to February 2025
Price: $0.012 per $VAUL3
Allocation: 64 million $VAUL3 tokens
Public Staking & Governance
Launch public staking programs and governance model.

Q2 2025: Full Platform Launch & Market Expansion

Release Version 1.0
Launch the full VAUL3 platform with all planned features.

$VAUL3 Public Listing
February 2025
Price: $0.016 per $VAUL3
Officially list $VAUL3 on major centralized and decentralized exchanges.

Partnerships & Integrations
Expand partnerships and integrations with additional DeFi platforms and services.

Q3 2025: Ecosystem Expansion & User Growth

Governance Expansion
Expand governance features and community-driven development funds.

Creators Expansion
Attract and support new yield strategy creators with incentives and rewards.

Global Marketing & User Acquisition
Launch global marketing campaigns targeting key markets.

Q4 2025: Advanced Features & Long-Term Vision

Version 2.0 Development
Begin development on advanced features for Version 2.0.

Team & Advisory Board Expansion
Continue to grow the VAUL3 team and advisory board with additional talent.

Roadmap Beyond 2025
Outline the vision for the next phase of VAUL3, focusing on continuous innovation and ecosystem growth.

Technical Architecture

The technical architecture of VAUL3 is the foundational structure that ensures the platform operates efficiently, securely, and scalably. Designed to support the complexities of a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform, the architecture integrates cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and smart contracts. This architecture underpins VAUL3’s mission to democratize DeFi, making it accessible and user-friendly for a broad range of users, from novice investors to seasoned DeFi strategists. The architecture’s goals are threefold: to ensure high availability and reliability, to enable seamless integration with other DeFi platforms, and to support the scalability required for the platform's future growth. These goals are achieved through a layered approach that separates core components, middleware, and frontend functionalities, each optimized for specific tasks.

The architecture also prioritizes security, given the sensitive nature of financial transactions and the value of assets managed on the platform. By incorporating advanced security protocols and adhering to best practices in smart contract development, VAUL3 minimizes risks and ensures that users can trust the platform with their investments. Moreover, the architecture is designed with flexibility in mind, allowing for future upgrades and integrations as new technologies and market needs emerge. This adaptability is crucial in the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape, where platforms must continuously innovate to stay competitive.

Core Components

The core components of VAUL3’s technical architecture include the blockchain layer, smart contracts, and the middleware that facilitates communication between different parts of the platform.

- The blockchain layer is built on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, chosen for its community and strong security features. ETH provides the foundation for all transactions on the VAUL3 platform, ensuring that they are immutable, transparent, and secure. This layer handles everything from token transfers to the execution of complex yield strategies, making it the bedrock of the platform’s operations.

- Smart contracts play a crucial role in automating and securing these transactions. Each yield strategy on VAUL3 is governed by a smart contract, which enforces the rules and conditions of the strategy without the need for manual intervention. These contracts are programmed to automatically execute when specific conditions are met, such as when a target yield is achieved or when an investor withdraws funds. To ensure their security, all smart contracts undergo rigorous audits and are equipped with multi-signature capabilities, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or manipulation.

- The middleware layer serves as the bridge between the blockchain and the platform’s frontend and backend systems. It includes an API gateway that manages communication between the user interface, the blockchain, and other third-party services. This gateway ensures that data flows securely and efficiently across the platform, enabling real-time updates and interactions. Another key component of the middleware layer is the use of oracles, which integrate off-chain data with the blockchain. Oracles are essential for accessing external information, such as market prices or economic indicators, which are critical for optimizing yield strategies and managing risk.

In addition to these components, the architecture also incorporates cross-chain interoperability tools that allow VAUL3 to interact with other blockchain networks. This interoperability is crucial for expanding the platform’s capabilities and ensuring that users can move assets seamlessly across different ecosystems. By integrating these core components into a cohesive framework, VAUL3 provides a secure, scalable, and efficient platform for decentralized finance.

Frontend Architecture

The frontend architecture of VAUL3 is designed to provide users with an intuitive and responsive interface that simplifies complex DeFi activities. Built using Next.js, the user interface (UI) is both visually appealing and highly functional. The design principles guiding the development of the UI focus on accessibility, ease of use, and responsiveness, ensuring that users can interact with the platform seamlessly across different devices, whether they are using a desktop, tablet, or mobile device.

One of the key features of the frontend architecture is the emphasis on user experience (UX). VAUL3 is designed with the user journey in mind, offering a streamlined process for everything from onboarding to advanced yield strategy management. The platform includes real-time data visualization tools that allow users to monitor their investments, track performance, and make informed decisions with ease. These tools are powered by the AI and data layer, which provides users with actionable insights and recommendations based on their activity and preferences.

Integration with third-party tools is another critical aspect of the frontend architecture. VAUL3 supports the integration of popular cryptocurrency wallets, such as MetaMask and Trust Wallet, allowing users to manage their assets securely and conveniently. The platform also integrates with various DeFi services and exchanges, enabling users to access a wide range of financial products without leaving the VAUL3 ecosystem. Security protocols are in place to ensure that all user data and transactions are protected, with encryption and secure authentication methods used throughout the platform.

The frontend architecture of VAUL3 is designed to provide a user-centric experience that makes DeFi accessible to everyone. By combining modern web technologies with a focus on UX, VAUL3 ensures that users can interact with the platform easily and effectively, regardless of their level of technical expertise. The integration of third-party tools and services further enhances the platform’s functionality, making it a comprehensive solution for decentralized finance.

Security Architecture

Security is a paramount concern in the VAUL3 platform, given the high stakes involved in managing and transacting with digital assets. The security architecture of VAUL3 is designed to protect the platform from a wide range of threats, including hacking, fraud, and unauthorized access. This architecture encompasses several layers of security, each addressing different aspects of the platform’s operations, from smart contract security to user authentication and data protection.

At the core of VAUL3’s security architecture are the protocols that govern smart contract security. All smart contracts on the platform are subject to rigorous audits by third-party security firms, which identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities. These contracts are also designed with fail-safes and multi-signature requirements, ensuring that no single point of failure can compromise the system. In the event of a detected anomaly, the platform includes mechanisms for pausing contract execution to prevent further issues while a resolution is implemented.

User security is another critical component of VAUL3’s architecture. The platform employs advanced encryption techniques to protect user data and communications. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for account access, adding an extra layer of security beyond traditional password-based methods. Additionally, VAUL3 uses secure key management practices to protect user assets, with private keys stored in hardware security modules (HSMs) that are isolated from the main network.

Compliance with global regulatory standards is also a key aspect of VAUL3’s security architecture. The platform is designed to adhere to the relevant regulations in all jurisdictions where it operates, including anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) requirements. Regular audits and compliance checks ensure that VAUL3 remains in good standing with regulatory bodies, reducing the risk of legal challenges and enhancing user trust.

The security architecture of VAUL3 is comprehensive and multi-layered, addressing all potential vulnerabilities within the platform. By combining robust smart contract security, user authentication, and regulatory compliance, VAUL3 ensures that users can trust the platform with their assets and personal information. This focus on security is essential for building and maintaining confidence in the platform, particularly in the highly sensitive and rapidly evolving DeFi space.

Scalability & Performance

Scalability and performance are critical considerations in the design of VAUL3’s technical architecture. As the platform grows and attracts more users, it must be able to handle increased transaction volumes and data loads without compromising on speed or reliability. To achieve this, VAUL3 employs a range of scalability solutions and performance optimization techniques, ensuring that the platform remains responsive and efficient as it scales.

One of the primary scalability solutions implemented in VAUL3 is the use of layer-2 technologies, such as state channels and sidechains. These technologies allow transactions to be processed off-chain, reducing the load on the main blockchain and increasing the platform’s overall throughput. By offloading transactions to a secondary layer, VAUL3 can process a higher number of transactions per second (TPS), ensuring that the platform remains fast and responsive even during periods of high demand.

Sharding is another scalability technique used by VAUL3 to distribute data and transaction processing across multiple nodes. This approach allows the platform to handle larger datasets and more complex computations without slowing down. Each shard operates independently, processing a portion of the total data and transactions, which are then aggregated to provide a complete view of the platform’s operations. This distributed approach not only improves performance but also enhances the platform’s resilience, as the failure of a single shard does not impact the overall system.

Performance optimization is also a key focus for VAUL3, with continuous monitoring and tuning of the platform’s infrastructure. Tools such as load balancers and caching mechanisms are used to distribute traffic evenly across servers, reducing latency and ensuring that the platform remains responsive under heavy loads. The platform’s backend is designed to handle asynchronous processing, allowing it to manage multiple tasks simultaneously without bottlenecks. These performance enhancements are critical for maintaining a smooth user experience, particularly as the platform scales.

Future-proofing the platform is another important aspect of VAUL3’s scalability strategy. The architecture is designed to be flexible and modular, allowing for the integration of new technologies and features as they become available. This adaptability ensures that VAUL3 can continue to meet the needs of its users and remain competitive in the fast-paced DeFi landscape. By planning for future growth and incorporating scalability solutions from the outset, VAUL3 is well-positioned to handle the... anticipated growth in user activity and data complexity.

By implementing these scalability and performance strategies, VAUL3 ensures that the platform remains robust and efficient, even as it scales to accommodate a larger user base and more complex operations. This focus on scalability not only enhances the user experience but also positions VAUL3 for long-term success in the competitive DeFi space.

Disaster Recovery & Redundancy

Disaster recovery and redundancy are critical components of VAUL3’s technical architecture, ensuring that the platform remains operational even in the face of unforeseen events. A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is in place to quickly restore operations in the event of a system failure, security breach, or other catastrophic incidents. This plan includes regular data backups, stored both on-site and in secure, geographically distributed locations, to ensure that data can be restored quickly and accurately.

Redundancy is built into the platform at multiple levels, including server redundancy, network redundancy, and data redundancy. Multiple servers are deployed to handle the platform’s operations, with failover systems in place to automatically switch to backup servers if the primary servers fail. This approach ensures that users experience minimal disruption even if a server goes offline. Similarly, network redundancy ensures that if one network path is compromised, traffic can be rerouted through alternative paths, maintaining uninterrupted access to the platform.

In addition to these technical measures, VAUL3 also conducts regular disaster recovery drills and simulations to test its preparedness and identify potential weaknesses. These drills involve simulating various disaster scenarios, such as a data center outage or a cyberattack, to ensure that the recovery plan is effective and that all team members are familiar with their roles in the event of an actual disaster.

VAUL3’s disaster recovery and redundancy strategies are designed to provide a high level of resilience, ensuring that the platform remains available and secure even in the most challenging circumstances. This focus on reliability is critical for maintaining user trust and confidence in the platform, particularly in the high-stakes world of decentralized finance.

The technical architecture of VAUL3 is a comprehensive, multi-layered framework designed to support the platform's ambitious goals in the decentralized finance space. By integrating advanced technologies like blockchain, smart contracts, AI, and cross-chain interoperability, VAUL3 ensures that users have access to a secure, scalable, and efficient platform for managing their financial strategies.

The architecture's emphasis on security, performance, and scalability positions VAUL3 as a leader in the DeFi space, capable of adapting to future challenges and opportunities. Whether it's through robust disaster recovery plans, sophisticated security protocols, or seamless user interfaces, every aspect of VAUL3's architecture is designed with the end user in mind. As the platform continues to grow and evolve, its technical architecture will remain a cornerstone of its success, enabling VAUL3 to deliver on its promise of making DeFi accessible, secure, and profitable for everyone involved.


The VAUL3 platform is poised to revolutionize the decentralized finance (DeFi) space by addressing the key challenges that have hindered widespread adoption. Through its innovative approach, VAUL3 simplifies complex financial processes, making them accessible to a broader audience. The platform’s core components, including no-code tools, AI-driven strategy optimization, and secure smart contracts, are designed to empower users to create, manage, and invest in yield strategies with ease. By integrating these advanced technologies, VAUL3 not only democratizes access to sophisticated financial tools but also sets a new standard for security, transparency, and user experience in the DeFi ecosystem.

One of the most significant strengths of VAUL3 is its robust technical architecture, which ensures scalability, security, and performance. The platform’s use of blockchain technology, combined with state-of-the-art AI and data analytics, provides a solid foundation for its operations. This architecture supports the platform’s growth, enabling it to handle increased transaction volumes and more complex strategies as the user base expands. Moreover, the platform’s disaster recovery and redundancy measures further enhance its reliability, ensuring that users can trust VAUL3 with their assets and data, even in the face of unforeseen challenges.

The VAUL3 token, which lies at the heart of the ecosystem, is designed with carefully considered tokenomics that align the interests of all stakeholders. From institutional and retail investors to strategy creators and community members, the $VAUL3 token incentivizes active participation and long-term commitment to the platform. The structured vesting and distribution schedules prevent market manipulation and promote a stable, sustainable growth trajectory for the token. As a multi-functional asset, $VAUL3 enables governance, staking, and transactions within the ecosystem, ensuring that it remains a valuable and indispensable component of the platform.

As VAUL3 continues to develop and expand, its strategic roadmap outlines a clear path forward, with milestones that reflect the platform’s commitment to innovation, user engagement, and market leadership. The roadmap’s phased approach to platform releases, token presales, and public listings ensures that each stage of growth is carefully managed and optimized for success. By prioritizing user feedback, community involvement, and continuous improvement, VAUL3 is well-positioned to adapt to the rapidly evolving DeFi landscape and to meet the needs of its diverse user base.

VAUL3 represents a significant advancement in the DeFi space, offering a secure, scalable, and user-friendly platform that democratizes access to financial opportunities. With its innovative technical architecture, strategic tokenomics, and clear vision for the future, VAUL3 is not just a platform — it is a movement towards a more inclusive and accessible financial system.

By empowering users to take control of their financial futures through cutting-edge technology and a supportive ecosystem, VAUL3 is set to lead the next wave of innovation in decentralized finance. As the platform continues to grow and evolve, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of finance for individuals and institutions alike.


The information contained in this whitepaper is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, legal, or investment advice. By accessing and reading this whitepaper, you acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. No Financial Advice
The whitepaper is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, or any other form of recommendation. The content of this whitepaper is not intended to be a substitute for professional financial, legal, or investment advice. You should consult with your own advisors before making any financial or investment decisions.

2. No Offer or Solicitation
The information in this whitepaper does not constitute an offer or solicitation to sell, purchase, or invest in any securities, tokens, or other financial instruments. Any offer to sell, purchase, or invest will be made only through appropriate legal documentation and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

3. Regulatory Risks
The regulatory environment for cryptocurrency and decentralized finance (DeFi) is evolving and may vary by jurisdiction. The information contained in this whitepaper does not guarantee compliance with any applicable laws or regulations. VAUL3 makes no representations or warranties regarding the regulatory status of its operations or the legality of its products in any jurisdiction.

4. Security Risks
While VAUL3 employs industry-standard security measures, including regular security audits and vulnerability assessments, there is no guarantee that the platform or smart contracts are entirely secure. Users are responsible for their own security practices and should exercise caution when interacting with the platform and handling their digital assets.

5. Market Risks
Cryptocurrency and DeFi markets are highly volatile and subject to significant fluctuations. The value of the VAUL3 token and other digital assets may vary and could result in financial losses. VAUL3 does not guarantee any specific returns on investment or performance of the platform.

6. Operational Risks
The development, deployment, and operation of VAUL3 may be subject to various risks, including technical issues, delays, and other operational challenges. VAUL3 makes no representations or warranties regarding the timeliness, reliability, or performance of the platform.

7. Adoption Risks
There is no guarantee of successful user adoption or engagement with the VAUL3 platform. The platform’s success depends on various factors, including market demand, competition, and user satisfaction. VAUL3 makes no promises regarding user growth or platform performance.

8. Forward-Looking Statements
This whitepaper may contain forward-looking statements, projections, and estimates regarding future performance or potential developments. These statements are based on current expectations and are subject to various risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements.

9. No Liability
To the fullest extent permitted by law, VAUL3 and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees, and advisors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or punitive damages arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance on this whitepaper, or any other related materials. This includes, without limitation, any loss of profits, loss of data, or other damages resulting from the use or inability to use the platform or any associated services.

10. No Endorsement
The inclusion of any third-party links or references in this whitepaper does not imply endorsement or approval of any third-party services, products, or content. VAUL3 is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any third-party materials or for any damages arising from their use.

By accessing and using this whitepaper, you agree to the terms of this disclaimer and acknowledge that you have read and understood the risks and limitations associated with the VAUL3 platform. If you do not agree with these terms, you should not access or use this whitepaper or any related materials. For any questions or clarifications regarding this disclaimer or the information contained in the whitepaper, please contact us at info@vaul3.com


The Brains behind

VAUL3 Innovation


0x Astr0naut

CEO & Co-Founder

Serial tech startup founder with 6 years in Web3, Full-stack developer, and growth strategist.


M00n Boy

CFO & Co-Founder

Financial strategist with 9 years of experience in crypto finance, risk management, and startup growth.


Surely X

Chief Marketing Officer

Marketing visionary with 12 years in brand strategy, digital marketing, and scaling global communities.


N0 V4X

Marketing Manager

Data-driven marketer with 4 years in performance marketing, specializing in user acquisition.


Qu F1ux

Chief Technology Officer

Blockchain architect and security auditor with 9 years in software development.


James LxL

Head of Community

Community builder with 4 years of experience growing and engaging global Web3 and DeFi communities.


D3fi Lux

Head of BD

Business strategist with 3 years in strategic partnerships.



Graphic Designer

Creative designer with 7 years experience in brand development.





Q3 2024
Foundation & Initial Launch

$VAUL3 Token Deployment
Platform Prototype v0 Release

$VAUL3 Token Presale 1
Strategic Partnerships


Q4 2024
Development & Community Building

Platform Prototype v1 Development
$VAUL3 Token Presale 2
Community Expansion


Q1 2025
Platform Rollout & Token Growth

MVP Launch (Version 0.5)
$VAUL3 Token Presale 3
Public Staking & Governance


Q2 2025
Full Platform Launch & Market Expansion

Release Version 1.0
$VAUL3 Public Listing
Partnerships & Integrations


Q3 2025
Ecosystem Expansion & User Growth

Governance Expansion
Creators Expansion
Global Marketing & User Acquisition


Q4 2025
Advanced Features & Long-Term Vision

Version 2.0 Development
Team & Advisory Board Expansion
Roadmap Beyond 2025


$VAUL3 Token

Unlock exclusive access, drive innovation, and participate in a thriving DeFi ecosystem with VAUL3 — your key to passive income.



































Total Supply

























































Listing Price

























































Current Price












M $

FD Market Cap